Wednesday, June 24, 2009

what can i say in five minutes?

I feel really good about being here, it seems that this Peace Corps business will be good for my soul. It seems weird to keep a blog because this is just life that I'm living here, going with the flow as I've been having myself do for the past while...

I am very much enjoying the people that I am with. I'm digging the training, the biking, the kids, my host fam, my fellow Peace Corpsy people. I don't have much time right now, but I thought it fair to pop onto this thing to at least let you all know that I am alive and I am well. ...and I am sweaty. :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

just give me that june (june june june june)

Oh my gosh. It's June. M-month. T-minus not too much time until I'm wiping tears off my cheeks on a plane out of Hartford and invoking a brave spirit to face the beginning of this journey I've been waiting for for's almost here. It's almost time. Wow.