Wednesday, June 24, 2009

what can i say in five minutes?

I feel really good about being here, it seems that this Peace Corps business will be good for my soul. It seems weird to keep a blog because this is just life that I'm living here, going with the flow as I've been having myself do for the past while...

I am very much enjoying the people that I am with. I'm digging the training, the biking, the kids, my host fam, my fellow Peace Corpsy people. I don't have much time right now, but I thought it fair to pop onto this thing to at least let you all know that I am alive and I am well. ...and I am sweaty. :)


Rahel said...

i am so happy for you :):):):):):):):)

Teddy said...

Yea for happiness! And sweatyness!

Unknown said...

miss your guts! i'm glad you're having a good time.

asleinbe said...

Hey Molly, I'm so glad your first month in is going so well!!


Anonymous said...

Yay for happiness! (:

SHalstead said...

I am so glad your first while has gone so well! I believe in your ability to be socialable, so I have little fear for you in such a situation. You are loved!

Averill Strasser said...


When you've finished training, can you send us a small water or sanitation project?

I am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Bolivia ’66-’68), and founder and COO of Water Charity, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that does water, sanitation, and public health projects worldwide.

We have just started a new initiative, Appropriate Projects, to fund small water and sanitation projects very quickly.

Please check out our website at, and submit an application.

Even volunteers who do not work directly in water and sanitation often have a small water project that needs to be done where they work.

If you have any questions about the appropriateness of your project, you can send me a return email.

Averill Strasser