Wednesday, February 3, 2010

fam thoughts blog thingy 29th of January

Looking at Christmastime photos my fam sent me in a care package, my family is so goofy and funny! I'm just sitting here click click clicking through them and laughing and smiling and loving. There are about ten Christmas Eve pictures of my mom and aunts in a row, looking off in different directions and smiling various degrees of smiles, eyes closed various degrees of shut, and I am cracking up, I can feel myself there for that photo shoot that has unwittingly become a Christmas tradition. Sixty shots of the three of them all in a row trying to eventually end up with something that they’ll deem passable. They all look beautiful to me!

There's my cutie little grown up baby cousins and the newest baby in the family, a product of my ACTUAL grown up cousin (whose hair and new house are both looking fabulous these days). Photos of family members caught laughing their heads off while holding the baby or eating whipped cream out of the bottle (you know who you are!), and a couple of the inevitable "take a picture of me taking a picture of you," which is par for the course when you give a kid a camera. And by kid I mean Al. :) ...and I didn't realize that dust busters are still around, but I'm glad someone got one for Pam! And Christmas day photos of my aunts and the little puppy that is decked out in a fancy little Santa outfit, and the beautifully decorated table and tree. Chairs and sweaters and sitting and eating and family and it's so funny how we all get stuck together like this!

I have a nice family over there in America.


Just finished writing this up when I got the news that one of my GEE family members has to go home to the states for good. Not an easy choice, not an easy situation. What a ray of sunshine we’ll miss in Burkina. We’re such a good group, us GEEs. I think Charlie put it best in his blog…I don’t know if every becomes as bonded as we have, but we certainly have. This isn't an easy thing to process. Devin baby the world's a better place because you're in it, no matter where in it you are! Love you girl.

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