Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Not so bad sometimes

Regarding the rough time I’ve been having as of late…my daddio suggested (jokingly?) that maybe me washing my hair would help wash some of the blah away. So I figured, what the heck…filled my bucket up extra full the other day and brought some shampoo sheets (weird travel things found at the Transit House and my only current source of hair wash) into my latrine to scrub down nice and thorough-like. And voilà! All better.

Well, it hasn’t been that easy…but things are looking up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Molly,

My name is Hunter and I am supporting a school in Sandogo, just south of Ouaga. I have been following your blog on and off since last summer, and was saddened to read of your recent discouragement. I am praying for you and hope that things start to look up in the coming weeks!


-Hunter W