Tuesday, June 7, 2011

my day

Things I have done today:

* Ran for the first time in a while (I have a bet to win!)
* Thought my bicycle was irreparably damaged
* ...had it fixed using only gasoline and for less than ten cents
* Sat down to eat yogurt with the benevolent frat boys of Yaourt du Centre Nord behind the marché (and was comped an ice cold sachet of water)
* Stopped in at the tailor to verify my rendez-vous (always a good idea...we pushed it back, but I stoked the fire)
* Biked up the hill to my old internet place to see if it was up and kicking (because this week, unbeknownst to me until my arrival at the post, is Internet Week, whereupon the internet is free for all who want to come learn how to use it and not only is the place hopping but I also don't want to take a computer away from other people)
* Biked back down to the post (and here I am)

I have a few things on my to do list today and I'm going to get 'em all done. I told my students that I'd be willing to have class again for the last time tomorrow for anyone who wants more free time on the comuters, but my principal didn't seem the most thrilled when I told her, so I'm going to have to check with her today to make sure that's ok. I won't be too sad if it's not. I just remembered, as I was giving back final assignments and verifying grades with my students yesterday, that there are a lot of them that I really like, and that a lot of them have really enjoyed my class...especially 5eme and new students. So it wouldn't be too bad to open up the lab for them again. But I wonldn't be surprised if my principal's hesitation is in part an issue of money.

I have a couple of dresses in the works at the tailor's (see above) that I am excited about having for my birthday weekend. I've been wearing the same clothes for a very, very long time...it will be very nice to have some new fabric wrapped around my bod.

I have a little heaviness in my heart due in part to some frustrating stuff that has happened over the past week or so. Depending on how things go this week, I might write about it all here. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

I'm just gonna keep plugging through the week. I have a lot of school wrap-up stuff to do. The final conseil de classe, the end-of-the-year mass and prayer (during which I will give a speech thanking my school for letting me be a part of the community for the past two years), and a final PTA general assembly. Right after that last one, an adventure will begin...a weekend with friends, a birthday in new clothes and a new place, and some galavanting around Banfora and Sindou to see waterfalls and climb weird rock formations. I'm looking forward to it.

Just gotta get the heaviness out of my heart.

What? Only 80 days 'til I land in America?


Mom said...

Molly, I'm the mom of a PC "nominee" to West Africa... for lack of a better term; physical and background check are next. After spending a semester there the draw to return has been overwhelming. Your blog posts are enlightening and hopeful, but as a mom, I have more questions. If you're willing to share your email address I'd love to write. Peace and blessings on the remainder of your time there... bittersweet I'm sure, and sailing by no doubt.

Molly said...

Sure thing. It's mmmccue@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you. Good luck to your nominee!