Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April, May, June

Nerves are beginning to kick in a little. ...a lot? It's all relative.

I'm mostly having Rahel-related nervousness at this point. ...but we've been talking and talking about all of this upcoming parting business and I think things will be good if we just keep talking things out. Right?

I hope right.

Peace Corps service is 27 months long. When I leave in June, Rahel and I will have been together for 27 months. What does this mean? I don't know.

Oh man oh man oh man.

Also, my birthday will be upon the world when I have been in country for only three days. Anyone who wishes to send me letters of love and encouragement that I can open on my birthday are welcome to do so at any point within the next month.

Speaking of time passing, so much of that has happened since I first thought I wanted to join the Peace Corps. I'm only I still want now what I wanted then? Do I really think I'm prepared for Peace Corps service, or am I only really prepared for the idea of the Peace Corps?

Whew...there go my nerves again. Man, I'm nervous. I haven't really been nervous yet. This is a new thing. I'm glad I'm getting some of it out now so that I can accept it and deal with it and learn how to roll with it. If all of the nervousness that I could potentially feel about moving away for two years was to show up at the same time--on d-day--I would most likely vomit everywhere.

But I'm not vomiting everywhere. So that's good. ...and even if I was, that would be fine. Nerves happen.

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